Firm Members Coordinate Meeting on Best Practices for SEQRA Compliance

Elisabetta T. Coschignano and John L. Parker, Partners with the Firm, and Michael H. Sahn, the Firm’s Managing Member, coordinated a joint committee meeting at the Nassau County Bar Association’s (NCBA) headquarters on October 25th to discuss best practices in compliance with SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act).

Ms. Coschignano is Chair of the Bar Association’s Municipal Law and Land Use Committee. Mr. Parker serves as Vice Chair of the Environmental Law Committee and Mr. Sahn chairs the NCBA’s Governmental Relations Committee. Joseph Bjarnson, a Partner with the Firm, served as a panelist at the meeting. Other Panelists included David Tepper, Senior Planner at Cameron Engineering and Patrick Clearly, Principal, Clearly Consulting.